Why did I build Notion Icons?
I switched to Notion for note taking and have been loving it. I use the popular PARA ( Projects, Areas, Resources, Archieve ) method to save resources I learn from all sources like blogs, videos , podcasts, books etc. I like using colorful Icons in notes as it gives a quick visual context. Here is example from my Notion.
Notions comes with only limited set of icons. We can get beautiful icons from many websites like Icon8 , Flaticon . But it is painful to add icons from those websites to notion notes. I need to first find the right icon from thousands of icons, then customize and download to my computer. After that I can upload new icon to Notion.
I searched for better solution and found easy to use Icons from notion.vip , but again it doesn't have all the Icons I want to use. But I like it's idea.
I also saw from reddit posts that other people are also looking for solution to this problem. So I decided to build this tool Myself and share it with the Notion community.