Notion Icons Icon

         Add beautiful Icons to your Notion Notes

Why did I build Notion Icons?

I switched to Notion for note taking and have been loving it. I use the popular PARA ( Projects, Areas, Resources, Archieve ) method to save resources I learn from all sources like blogs, videos , podcasts, books etc. I like using colorful Icons in notes as it gives a quick visual context. Here is example from my Notion.

Raja Notion Screen shot

Notions comes with only limited set of icons. We can get beautiful icons from many websites like Icon8 , Flaticon . But it is painful to add icons from those websites to notion notes. I need to first find the right icon from thousands of icons, then customize and download to my computer. After that I can upload new icon to Notion.

I searched for better solution and found easy to use Icons from , but again it doesn't have all the Icons I want to use. But I like it's idea.

I also saw from reddit posts that other people are also looking for solution to this problem. So I decided to build this tool Myself and share it with the Notion community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why there is only limited set of Icons available ?

How is current icons currated ?

I don't find the Icon I want, What should I do ?

I am not familiar with using Github pull request, Is there another way request Icons ?

Can I request other style of icons from icon8 icons or icons from other sites flaticon?

Is it free to use ?

Notions Icons hosted at your personal domain ? Will there any problem if this tool move to different address ?

I found some problems or something is not working, What should I do ?